WES Reading Activities

Monday, May 18th:


Kindergarten: https://youtu.be/wBs3GIaAWek . This is the link to the read aloud Energy from the Sun on YouTube.  Listen to the story with an adult or friend and talk about how the sun makes energy or find a book on Epic about the Sun.  Think about the ways you use energy.

1st & 2nd grade: The Sun is a form of Energy. Find a book on Epic about the Sun. Watch out for things the Sun does as a source of Energy.

3rd and 4th grade: Search on EPIC about Energy - read a book about it ENERGY that you would enjoy! When you are reading, write down three facts about energy that you think are important.

 5th & 6th Grade: Read, “Our Resources” on Epic! There are many other books on Epic! that explain energy. Find some books on your level and have fun reading!