A reminder we have early dismissal tomorrow, November 22nd.
Car-riders dismiss from 12:30-1:00, and buses dismiss at 12:45 from AES.
No After School.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances for Friday, November 22nd, the Choctaw County School District will dismiss at 1 pm. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday and GO CHARGERS!”

AES December Lunch Menu! #teamAES

The Banner has arrived to be hung in the gym. Congratulations again to Hunter Holland on his individual state championship in the shot put in 3A.

Mrs. Charlton's 3rd graders at Ackerman Elementary School worked hard on a prefix and suffix activity in the classroom. #teamAES

Mrs. Lisa’s and Mrs. Felicia’s PreK students at Ackerman Elementary have been learning about how Native Americans lived and the First Thanksgiving. They have worked hard on their own Native American vests, headbands, necklaces, and Indian corn. #teamAES

Mrs. Kelsey's and Mrs. Ashley's students at Ackerman Elementary School went to the Learning Park for a Nature Walk. They will use what they found for their fall scavenger hunt activity. #teamAES

Mrs. Michaela has her 2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School enjoying some fun reading with new book lights! #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - Students and staff can wear hats for $1 on Thursday! #teamAES

Mrs. Christi's and Mrs. Kelly's students at Ackerman Elementary School did a great job on their writing activity! They wrote what they were thankful for. #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - Reminder to wear blue on Thursday! #teamAES

3rd graders at Ackerman Elementary School learned about the history of Veterans’ Day and wrote thank you notes to veterans who live at the Veterans Home in Kosciusko. #TeamAES

Ackerman Elementary School's Chargers in Charge are doing an amazing job in the classroom!! Keep working hard! #teamAES
*Not pictured Raegan Smith, Ruby Arnault, and George Ashford.

AES makeup pictures and Santa pictures are tomorrow!
*Santa pictures must be paid for before pictures are taken.

AES Santa pictures are tomorrow, November 5th. Parents may bring siblings that do not attend AES to take pictures with siblings at AES from 8:00 am to 9:00 am.
If siblings at AES are taking pictures together, please note it on their form.

Ackerman Elementary School - November lunch menu. #teamAES

Mrs. Grace Bishop has her students at Ackerman Elementary School having fun on glow day in music. #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School would like to thank students from CCHS and the CCCTC for helping with our good choices week! Good handwashing, good food choices, and good choices at school were discussed this week! Part 3 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School would like to thank students from CCHS and the CCCTC for helping with our good choices week! Good handwashing, good food choices, and good choices at school were discussed this week! Part 2 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School would like to thank students from CCHS and the CCCTC for helping with our good choices week! Good handwashing, good food choices, and good choices at school were discussed this week! Part 1 #teamAES