Ackerman Elementary School - More hat day pictures and pj day pictures for Read Across America Week! Part 3 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 7 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 6 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 5 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 4 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 1 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 3 #teamAES

2nd graders at Ackerman Elementary School had a great time on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Part 2 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - More hat day pictures and pj day pictures for Read Across America Week! Part 2 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - More hat day pictures and pj day pictures for Read Across America Week! Part 1 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - More Cat in the Hat and hat day pictures! #teamAES

Coach Bell has her students at Ackerman Elementary School working on math skills in PE! Students played basketball and calculated their total with some math equations. #teamAES

Mrs. Barnett's 4th graders at Ackerman Elementary School are working hard on their writing. Construction was underway in the classroom during lots of fun learning stations. #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School Staff were treated to chips and dip for National Tortilla Chip Day! #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School kicked off Read Across America Week with hat day and a special visitor. Part 3 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School kicked off Read Across America Week with hat day and a special visitor. Part 2 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School kicked off Read Across America Week with hat day and a special visitor. Part 1 #teamAES

Ackerman Elementary School - Reminder about dress up days this week! #teamAES

Mrs. Turnipseed and Mrs. Box have their students at Ackerman Elementary School having fun with a math activity. Students sorted foods by shapes and created bar graphs. #teamAES

Mrs. Lisa's and Mrs. Felicia's Prek students at Ackerman Elementary School are working hard in centers. They are learning so much in Prek! #teamAES