Summer feeding program starts today! Lunch only will be served and is free to all children ages 0-18! It will be served from 11am-1pm at CCHS only. Lunch will be served Monday, Tuesday and Thursday the month of June. Grab and go style only!
over 4 years ago, Charger Media
School lunch
Ackerman Elementary School had an amazing year! Thank you to our students, parents, community, and staff for making this an amazing year. We love and miss you all! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
The Choctaw County School District is participating in the 2020 Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children 0 – 18 years of age regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the following site: Choctaw County High School Lunch Only (Pick up behind cafeteria) Monday, Tuesday & Thursday June 1 through June 30, 2020 Hours of Operation Mon., Tues., & Thur. 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. To file a complaint of discrimination, write or call immediately to: USDA Office of the Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250-9410 (866) 632-9992 or (800) 877-8339 (TTY) This institution is an equal opportunity provider.​
almost 5 years ago, Charger Media
School Lunch
Never forget the sacrifice that so many made so we may enjoy the freedom that we have today! #NeverForget
almost 5 years ago, Superintendent Glen Beard
Soldiers and American Flag
Ackerman Elementary School would like to congratulate our 5th grade students on their awards! Thank you students for all of your hard work this year, and we can’t wait to see you back next year! We love you! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
5th grade
Ackerman Elementary School would like to recognize our 4th grade students and all of their awards for the 2019-2020 school year! We are extremely proud of their hard work and dedication this year! We love you all! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
4th grade
Ackerman Elementary School would like to congratulate our 3rd grade students on their awards for the 2019-2020 school year! Great job students! We will miss you! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
3rd grade
Ackerman Elementary School would like to congratulate our students in 2nd grade who received awards! We are so proud of all of our students and their hard work this year! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
2nd grade
Ackerman Elementary School would like to congratulate all of our 1st grade students on their awards! They are a wonderful group of students, and we are incredibly proud of them! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
1st grade
Ackerman Elementary School would like to take this time to present awards to our Kindergarten students. They have grown so much this year, and we are so proud of their accomplishments. Great job! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School would like to congratulate our Pre-K students on their hard work this year and share the awards they received with everyone. Great job students! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School would like to congratulate the 6th grade students on their graduation from AES. Students were presented with awards and their 6th grade completion certificates this week. We will miss you all very much, and we are so proud of all of you! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Today is the last day for the Spring Grab and Go Feeding program! 10:30-12:30pm at CCHS, FCE and WES. We will start back with the Summer Feeding Program in June! Thank you to all the volunteers that have prepared and served meals during this time!
almost 5 years ago, Charger Media
School lunch
Ackerman Elementary School Parents! If you weren’t able to make it to the school to take pictures yet, we will have our “last day of school” photo setup outside the school for the remainder of the month. If you need to pickup or drop off items for your child at the school, please call the school to set up a time. We will be glad to accommodate a time that works for you. AES will be doing a virtual awards day for Pre-K through 5th grade that will be posted soon. As soon as we are able to do something in person for our kiddos, we will. Kindergarten will take graduation pictures once it is safe to do so. We want to do this as safely as possible, and we don’t feel sharing a cap and gown for pictures is safe for our kiddos at this time . Please keep a watch on Facebook for updates! We love and miss our kiddos! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Today, 6th graders at Ackerman Elementary School were able to celebrate their 6th grade graduation in a different way to finish out the school year. Award presentations, photos with family members, treats, and a fun photo booth were all a part of their special day! Be on the look out for their 6th grade graduation video coming soon! We are so proud of our 6th grade graduates! #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
6th grade
6th grade
Smiles to go is still available to serve our schools through teledentistry. Below are the links to the Smiles to Go app and eVisit website for students. Android App iPhone App Desktop site
almost 5 years ago, Chris Threadgill
Smiles to go logo
EVisit smiles to go
6th Graders at Ackerman Elementary School!! Just a reminder!!
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
6th grade
Ackerman Elementary School - As you come for your pickup and drop off dates, we will have a place to take photos for the students for their “last day of school.” If students aren’t able to come with you on their assigned day, you’re more than welcome to bring them back for pictures at a time that is convenient and safe for your family. The photo station will be set up today, May 15th, from 8-3 and May 18th through May 20th from 8-3. Please call the school with any questions you may have.
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School- The two attachments give drop off and pickup times for AES students. These times allow for pickup of items left at the school including workbooks for extra summer practice and for drop off of school items. At this time we are only doing an Awards Day for our 6th grade graduates. A different day will be done to celebrate awards for all other students in the school. Please feel free to call or email the school with any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Prek through 5th
6th grade
Ackerman Elementary School drop-off and pickup dates and times! Please read the information and call or email us with any questions. #teamAES
almost 5 years ago, Samantha Kelly