FCE Kindergarten celebrated the 50th day of school by dressing up and having root beer floats!
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
50th Day of School
Football will host Hatley Friday Night at Dale Davidson Field at 7 PM. Senior Recognition will also take place Friday night. Tickets will be $7 and sold at the gate.
over 4 years ago, Charger Athletic Department
Jr. High Basketball will host Louisville tomorrow night at The Cobb for four contests. 7th and 8th Girls followed by 7th and 8th Boys. Tickets are $7 and will be sold at the door.
over 4 years ago, Charger Athletic Department
FCE Red, White, and Blue Day
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Red, White, and Blue Day
FCE Crazy Hair Day
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Crazy Hair Day
Mrs. Telano’s 5th and 6th graders have master several skills on Study Island, and these students were at the TOP of their class!! Way to go!
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Study Island Champs
Students in FCE's fifth grade science work on studying the concentration of solutions using salt and water.
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Science experiments
FCE Pre-K students enjoyed celebrating the 50th day of school with a bubble blowing contest, making coke floats, and a sock hop.
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
50th Day of School
Students in Mrs. Black's FCE 6th grade math are working on Kahoot today. They are concentrating on the coordinate plane.
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Fourth graders wear red, white, and blue during Red Ribbon Week!
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
Red, White, and Blue Day
Second Grade had a blast celebrating the 50th Day of School!
over 4 years ago, Tami McKnight
50th Day of School
Students and staff at Ackerman Elementary School rocked their crazy socks for Red Ribbon Week! #teamAES
over 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Students at Ackerman Elementary School who sold 20 or more items for the school wide fundraiser were treated to lunch from the Mom and Pop food truck and a movie on Tuesday! #teamAES
over 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
PreK students in Mrs. Zirlott’s and Mrs. Fondren’s class at Ackerman Elementary School had fun with pumpkins on Tuesday! #teamAES
over 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Lots of fun on Super Hero Day at CCHS! #ChargerNation
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Roberts
Super hero
Mrs. Huffman would like to sincerely thank the 20th Century Club for the gift in recognition of Administrator Appreciation Month.
over 4 years ago, Marcy McGlothin
Super Hero Day at CCCTC!!
over 4 years ago, Marcy McGlothin
Please help Ackerman Elementary School support the Ackerman 20th Century Club by donating new teddy bears to help children in need! #teamAES
over 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Ackerman Elementary School Staff would like to say a huge “Thank You” to the Ackerman Elementary School PTO for purchasing lunch from the Mom and Pop food truck for them! #teamAES
over 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly
Students in 5th grade at Ackerman Elementary School are working hard on their typing skills!! #teamAES
over 4 years ago, Samantha Kelly